今年紐約、倫敦、巴黎、米蘭時裝週期間,數位時尚應用大爆發,「Digital Fashion」成了新興時尚代名詞!台灣限定、全球首場3D Design & MicroFashion工作坊,首度發布革命性的創新技術,帶領大家體驗數位時尚新玩法。
- 一覽數位時尚的前世今生和來世
- 手作3D設計和虛擬模特兒走秀
- 探索數位時尚實體應用
- 見證全球首發3D和AI結合的量身黑科技
- 訂製自己獨一無二專屬的牛仔褲(酌收製作費)
This workshop is all about hands-on involvement and playfulness. Engage in 3D simulation and design your dream fit jeans. Join us in this workshop where we unravel the hidden potential of AI technology and revolutionary mass customisation.
Don't miss your chance to be a part of the fashion revolution and (optionally) get a real pair of jeans you've designed made to your measures!
*Premium Kaihara fabric from Japan
*Computers allow 12 atendees to operate, if registerated number of people are exceed the capacity, we will take first come first experience, please arrive on time.
*Please bring your own cup. F&B provided.
Seats are limited, register now!