台灣的BL製作早於亞洲其他國家,由台灣LINE TV製作的BL劇HIStory系列版權銷售全球190個國家地區、全球逼近3000萬點擊《WBL系列影集》以及由文策院共同投資的《正負之間》全球累計超過180國家地區購買版權,但近年韓泰地區穩定的製作數量和品質在海外的能見度已經遠遠超越台灣BL。
BL production in Taiwan started before other Asian countries. Successful stories such as the BL drama "HIStory" produced by Taiwan's Line TV licensed all around the world in 190 countries/regions, the "WBL series" with nearly 30 million views across the globe, and the TAICCA co-produced "Plus and Minus" licensed in over 180 countries/regions. However, in recent years, the quantity, quality, and popularity of BL dramas produced by South Korea and Thailand have far surpassed those of Taiwan.
● How do we standardize the BL drama production and consumption chain in Taiwan as South Korea and Thailand do?
● How do we find our new position and direction in the highly competitive BL drama market?
Organized by TAICCA, Taiwan Creative Content Fest (TCCF) is a key content marketplace in Asia, gathering selected entertainment content from Taiwan, and bringing buyers and professionals from all over the world to Taipei in November. As a vibrant expo and market, TCCF offers diverse events like pitching sessions, content showcases, and forum sessions to connect you with promising stories, fundings, and global partners. TCCF also presents pioneering immersive experiences and innovative music showcases that adapt diverse cultural elements from Taiwan. Come experience TCCF, and meet your future business partner in Taiwan.
本活動票券僅限專業人士登記或優先報名,請於文策院IP Meetup創意內容媒合交流平台,於2022TCCF創意內容大會-內容交易市場,進行【個人報名/展證申請】,主辦單位審核通過後,將陸續寄送本活動報名驗證碼。