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2024.08.23 (Fri) 14:00 - 17:10 (GMT+8)
Booking Notice
Please note that you should complete your current order before creating next. In order to protect customer rights and prevent ticket hoarding, one user can only create one order at the same time. If multiple orders are created by different windows at the same time, only the last order is reserved by the system while the other incomplete orders are cancelled. Thank you for understanding and cooperation.
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免費實作課Need Verification
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Sale Ends
Booking Available
2024.07.29 (Mon) 12:00 - 08.22 (Thu) 10:00
Valid Date
2024.08.23 (Fri) 14:00 - 17:10
Ticket Description
注意事項 · 為實作課程請自備筆電與充電線 · 報名請完整填寫公司名稱與公司網域郵件資訊, 若為免費信箱系統將不接受報名 · 因名額有限,故優先篩選對產品有興趣之企業單位, 主辦單位保留最終審核權力 · 報名審核成功者,將於活動前收到郵件通知,不另行電話通知