科技島科技小聚 4 月場|免程式碼就能做產品!No Code 如何當開發好幫手?

科技島科技小聚 4 月場|免程式碼就能做產品!No Code 如何當開發好幫手?

2024.04.24 (Wed) 19:00 - 21:00 (GMT+8)


Refund policy

The refund process of this event is delegated to ACCUPASS and is abided by refund policy. If you need to apply for a refund, please do it "24 hours after completing purchase and 8 days before available period of your ticket starts." 10% of ticket price will be reserved as refund handling fee. Application will not be accepted after expiration.How to request a refund?

Booking Notice
Please note that you should complete your current order before creating next. In order to protect customer rights and prevent ticket hoarding, one user can only create one order at the same time. If multiple orders are created by different windows at the same time, only the last order is reserved by the system while the other incomplete orders are cancelled. Thank you for understanding and cooperation.

Please pick tickets


NT$ 330 x0

More Info

Sale Ends
  • Booking Available

    2024.04.01 (Mon) 12:00 - 04.24 (Wed) 15:00

  • Valid Date

    2024.04.24 (Wed) 19:00 - 21:00

  • Ticket Description

    活動最新消息歡迎關注 IG:https://reurl.cc/bDyyqo 對活動內容有任何問題,歡迎來信:archersun0905@gmail.com 信件主旨範例:【科技小聚活動問題】(活動日期)+ (附上想問的問題)

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